The Museum of Art, Music & Word (est. 2017)
Head Curator: Roberto Arredondo
Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., original printings of issues #1 - 18, June 1968 - Mar. 1970, $958 (complete run) + S / H
In June of 1968 the long running series Strange Tales Comics #168 split into 2 new books, Doctor Strange #169 & this one, Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1! This was daddy Nick Fury, unlike the MCU Nick Fury "Jr.", which in the comics is actually "his son"! I really think the MCU "blew it" in not writing in the "real" Nick Fury, especially in the 1st Captain America movie, Sgt. Fury could have, should have been leading The Howling Commandos! Clint Eastwood would have made the perfect Hollywood Sgt. Fury / Nick Fury!!!
Maybe now that the Multiverse is here, they can give us the 1st of the Sgt. Fury & His Howling Commandos trilogy of movies! From another universe of course, who cares! Just put it out there, I'll go see it. While they're at it, make the 1946 ALL-WINNERS SQUAD story from the missing All-Winners Comics #20 into an MCU movie! That's CAPTAIN AMERICA & BUCKY, THE HUMAN TORCH & TORO, THE SUB-MARINER, Miss America & The Whizzer!! Figthing post-WW II villians, of course, the sky's the limit! That should fill my order.

NICK FURY vs. S.H.I.E.L.D., 6-part graphic novel from 1988, #1 - 6 = $125 + S / H
Nick Fury: Agent of Nothing / Secret Warriors #1 (signed by Hickman, Cheng), #2 - 9, 9B - 28 = $358 + S / H
SGT. FURY & HIS HOWLING COMMANDOS, assorted original issues from #11 to #59 = $958 + S / H




Strange Tales #136 - 139 + 147, 163, 165 (Steranko artwork!), Sept. - Nov. 1964 original printings VG+, $258 + S / H

