The Museum of Art, Music & Word (est. 2017)
Head Curator: Roberto Arredondo
THE MARVELS PROJECT #1-8 + variation covers (2009-2010), original different issues, $250 + S / H
In 2021, the MCU announced the proposed film "The Marvels" featuring 2 female Captain Marvels + the newly minted Ms. Marvel, which sadly did not excite me at all. Captain Marvel was the 1st MCU film I did not add to my personal movie library at home, I saw it at the theater and was not impressed, it somehow was a "let down". (I wish they had used another, better actress for the lead). Since then, I have refused to buy another 4 MCU films for my personal library. The Thrill is gone. Well, here is "the real deal". A detailed storyline about the beginning of Marvel Comics (named changed to Marvel Mystery Comics with issue #2), and the start of historically great comic book heroes like Namor, the Sub-Mariner, The Human Torch (the original, non-human one from 1939), Captain America (from late 1940), The Angel (the original, the one telling this story), The Destroyer, The Phantom Bullet, Ferret, Mystery Detective & Nosey his pet, and many others!! This would make an incredible story on the Big Screen, especially how The Two-Gun Kid & (the real) Nick Fury (pre-Sgt. Fury & His Howling Commandos) fit into all this!

Assorted comic books about the great Super-Heroes from the 1930s & 1940s, all FINE or better, $250 + S / H
The Golden Age of Comic Books (1938 - 1956) was an especially productive period which produced many of the Super-Heroes that are still around today in one form or another! Here are some items (from 2009 & 2010) that have to do with that era of "pure wonderment". Of special interest is the Miss America issue with features an "all new" tale from Miss America (but story based in the 1940s during WWII) which tells of "the women's point of view" in the time of fighting Hitler & the Nazis + a reprinted story featuring The Whizzer (the man who later married Miss America). Also the Mystic Comics issue features 3 Vision stories from the 1940s!! One brand new + 2 reprinted stories from 1940 & 1941! This is the original Vision, which looks very similar to the 1960s Vision, but has a totally different origin. My only "beef" with the ALL-WINNERS issue is that they try to "re-write history" saying that is was a different Captain America & Bucky that was "alive" in 1946 when both All Winners Squad stories originally came out! Well, when I read those 1946 stories, and also the 1953 & 1954 Captain America & Bucky stories (in the late 1960s as reprints), those stories said it was the original Cap (Steve Rogers) & the original "Bucky" Barnes actually fighting post WWII bad guys & communists and them trying to say "it wasn't so" is "baloney"! They got themselves into "that mess" of rewriting history, let them figure a way out, as far as I'm concerned, it was Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes in 1946 & 1953, 1954 when they showed up last before Cap being discovered in 1964 by The Avengers in that frozen ice cube block. (It's all make believe bro, but lying is lying, so, "re-writes" are just admitting you made mistakes!) So in my universe (which is the Only one that counts, right!?), in my own "real" timeline, Captain America was "only" frozen from 1954 to 1964, only 10 years, not the 19 years the comic book rewriting bunglers say (or even the ridiculously 70 years the movie MCU says Cap was frozen!) If you think about it, 1954 makes perfect sense of Bucky being "taken over" by the Soviet communist propaganda machine into becoming The Winter Soldier! My "real" history is logically better. The Young Allies issue is also especially good, an All New story featuring The Winter Soldier as the new (current) Captain America going to the gravesite of The Young Allies & finding out that 2 of them are "still alive" (in 2009), so he goes to search for them & they reminisce about "the good old days" during WWII.


The GOLDEN AGE of MARVEL COMICS - 1997 original printing 200 page Softcover Book, Not For Sale
1997 original Marvel Comics Group original printing, 200 pages, glossy thick cover M-, a collection of 17 original full stories from 1939 to 1957 reprinted in real comic book paper, really beautiful in artwork, detail & color, featuring Namor, The Sub-Mariner, The Human Torch & Toro, Captain America & Bucky, The Vision, The Angel, The Destroyer, The Black Knight, Venus, The Yellow Claw, Marvel Boy, and others. Plus a 5 page introduction by writer / editor Roy Thomas with details about each story + every original cover pictured(!) which featured each story!! Great.
The GOLDEN AGE of MARVEL COMICS Volume 2 - 1999 original printing 176 page Softcover Book, Not For Sale
1999 original Marvel Comics Group original printing, 176 pages, glossy thick cover FINE, a collection of 16 more original full stories from 1939 to 1942 reprinted in real comic book paper, really beautiful in artwork, detail & color, featuring Namor, The Sub-Mariner (2 stories), The Fin, The Human Torch & Toro (2 stories), Captain America & Bucky (2 stories), Citizen V, The Fiery Mask, Hurricane, The Vision (2 stories), The Black Marvel, Red Raven, The Whizzer, and others. Plus a 2 page introduction by writer Mickey Spillane, creator of Mike Hammer stories.