The Museum of Art, Music & Word (est. 2017)
Head Curator: Roberto Arredondo
THE NEW AVENGERS (complete series) + Annuals 1,2 & 3, + One-Shots, 2004 - 2010 original Marvel printings, $758 + S / H
Incorporating the storylines: THE SENTRY, RONIN, + CIVIL WAR, THE INITIATIVE, House of -M-, S E C R E T I N V A S I O N, DARK REIGN & SIEGE.


THE MIGHTY AVENGERS (complete series) #1 - #36 + One Shot #1, MOST WANTED FILES #1, 2007 - 2010 original Marvel printings, $358 + S / H
In the early summer of 2006 The AVENGERS were split into 2 groups after a horrific battle gone wrong in Conneticut between The New Warriors fighting a group of super-villians (Nitro, etc.), causing massive casualties including the deaths of most of The New Warriors there. The following laws that were enacted "to register all super-beings" started a super-hero Civil War. CAPTAIN AMERICA refused to sign, and The Falcon, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Stature, Cloak & Dagger, Spider-Woman, and others were to join him into an "underground version" of The New Avengers, meantime, team Iron Man, chooses (Captain) Ms Marvel as his 2nd in command, and together they chose The Sentry, The Wasp, Black Widow, Wonder Man & Ares for this pro-government Mighty Avengers team. And the War between The Avengers takes off...
DaRK AVENGERS (complete series) #1 - #16 + Annual #1 + Utopia #1, 2009 - 2010 original Marvel printings, $258 + S / H
